Monthly Dance Social - "Red Party" in February 16th, 2020

Monthly Dance Social - "Red Party"

Welcome on SUNDAY 2/16/2020 for our "Red Party"

We invite you to join us for a Valentine’s Day celebration! Dress in the color of romance, RED! Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you there.

Please join us from 6:30-9:30 PM for an evening of classic fun & dancing & let us know in advance if you have a February birthday you would like to celebrate!

  • Complimentary Dance Class

  • General Dancing with Ballroom & Latin Music

  • Spotlights from our students

  • Light Refreshments

ABOUT: A complimentary class with Sergei & Olga & our fabulous Dance Instructors will be held from 6:30PM until 7:00PM. It will be Music & light refreshments 7:00-9:00PM. Don’t worry about a partner, just come and  enjoy!

Please bring your friends, family & relatives, co-workers & people who you know for a truly spectacular night! Buy Ticket Now…

DATE & TIME: Sunday, February 16 of 2020, at 6:30PM to 9:30PM

LOCATION: Twin Maples - 214 Springfield Ave., Summit, NJ 07901

PRICE: Dance Social on Sunday Evening - only One Ticket from Convenience Package per person each time and no long term commitments, tickets are transferable and NO expiration date. 


Monthly Dance Social - "Wine & Cheese Party"

Monthly Dance Social - "Wine & Cheese Party"

Welcome on SUNDAY 1/26/2020 for our "Wine & Cheese Party"!

You really can’t go wrong with a classic wine and cheese party. Turn it into a potluck and have your guests bring their favorite wine and BDNJ will serve most delicious cheese.

Please join us from 6:30-9:30 PM for an evening of classic fun & dancing & let us know in advance if you have a January birthday you would like to celebrate!

  • Complimentary Dance Class

  • General Dancing with Ballroom & Latin Music

  • Spotlights from our students

  • Light Refreshments

ABOUT: A complimentary class with Sergei & Olga & our fabulous Dance Instructors will be held from 6:30PM until 7:00PM. It will be Music & light refreshments 7:00-9:00PM. Don’t worry about a partner, just come and  enjoy! Please bring your friends, family & relatives, co-workers & people who you know for a truly spectacular night!

DATE & TIME: Sunday, January 26 of 2020, at 6:30PM to 9:30PM

LOCATION: Twin Maples - 214 Springfield Ave., Summit, NJ 07901

PRICE: Dance Social on Sunday Evening - only One Ticket from Convenience Package per person each time and no long term commitments, tickets are transferable and NO expiration date. READ MORE…
