Classes for Grandparents, Parents and Children


Classes for Grandparents, Parents and Children

from $20.80
  • Each dance class for 45 min long.

  • Up to 12 people per class

  • Pick your own dance, date, and time.

  • Price:

    - Two Classes for up to 12 people - $400

    - Three classes for up to 12 people - $560

    - Additional Person per Class - $20

    NOTE - A 4% administrative fee will be charged for all payments made with a credit card

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Classes for Grandparents, Parents, and Children…

  • Time passes and your family grows, your children grow up, and now your children have their own children and all together they like to visit you and spend some time together. And this is a wonderful and unforgettable time...

  • But the question is what to do, where to go, how to organize your leisure...? Ballroom Dance of NJ wants to invite you and your children and your grandchildren to ballroom dancing classes!

  • Two or three generations together and at the same time learning dance movements in the style of Cha-Cha-Cha or Tango or Foxtrot...

  • Imagine for a moment - grandfather invites his granddaughter and waltzes with her to the sounds of unforgettable tunes! Or a son can invite his Mom to Argentine Tango and lead her through a couple of interesting movements, turning Mom into “ocho” or making a beautiful “corte” position!

  • Believe us - having tried it once, you will never forget it and most importantly you will want to repeat it again and again.

  • Ballroom Dance of NJ - we will be glad to see you in our unique place! We are waiting for you!

  • What a great way to enjoy your family. Create a wonderful memory that will last forever.

  • Pick your own dance, date and time! Perfect plan for family reunion too!