What is an Open House in Ballroom Dance of NJ?

Very often we organize an Open House in our company in order to meet new people and show and tell everyone what Ballroom Dance of NJ offers today - new programs, new groups, new events, a what our plans and ideas are.

What usually happens in Open House in Ballroom Dance of NJ?

An Open House is always accompanied by interesting performances by both children and adults.

We offer you complimentary dance class, where you can try, watch and appreciate how we teach and what we teach.

We will show you and try to teach you the simplest movements in such popular dances as Foxtrot, Salsa, Tango, Swing, Cha-Cha, Bachata and many more...

How long are Open Houses?

An Open House in Ballroom Dance of NJ usually goes around 1 to 2 hours.

Can we meet all Pro staff in Open House?

Absolutely YES! You can talk with each our Pro Dance Instructor and ask your most important questions.

When are you planing to organize next Open House?

Please follow our announcements on our website and on social media and we will be happy to meet you!